Friday, April 6, 2007

Uncertainty, Inadequacy and How Andrew WK can Solve All Your Problems

I've recently discovered that I'm one of those people that doesn't really know how to slow down. For me, it's either "stop" or "go." There isn't anything in between, as hard as I might try or as much as I might convince myself. Can I set my sights lower and expect to get there? Is that being fair to all those who have given everything so that I might do the same, or is it more selfish-bastardry?

The last week has been strange. It started out so slowly and ended so strangely, with even more scary things in the middle. The one encouraging part of the week was the one music related part, so I feel that it should get filed into the archives of this blog, rather than anywhere else. I had the chance to meet Andrew WK and see him speak. It was the most amazing experience I've ever had at the station. He's been doing lectures all over the country about "living the best life" and "having a good time." While this is not wholly surprising, considering the nature of his music, it's the way he talks about it. If you check his Wikipedia entry, there's no college listed, and yet he speaks much more eloquently than anyone I have ever met at this school. It's not revolutionary science or anything, but something about the way he spoke was so impressive.

At first, I was skeptical. I mean, think about it. Rock and roll Tony Robbins? It had to be some kind of act. It was an elaborate one, and I eventually figured out that he had to be somewhat serious. Then, I had it in my head that I was just enamored with the idea of this ridiculous figure doing something other than rocking my face off, but as the ideaology burrowed further into my head, I realized that everything he said was true and that maybe I shouldn't take myself so seriously. i can't think about not living up to my own standards, because that's exactly what they are. They're not for anyone else; they're for me. I can't ever let myself down, unless I give up absolutely. I still don't know what's going to happen tomorrow or the next day, but living right now is the most important thing. I used to forget that a lot, but I went out and bought a pair of white pants and I'm planning on wearing them on special occasions to remind me of this ridiculous man that I met and all that he stood for.

In that spirit, here's a bit of what you missed.

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